When preparing the room I wrote the technique the kids would be learning on the board. I placed a watercolour paper in each of the kids workstations. The tables contained pencils and a tracing stylus. The materials table contained a selection of reference images for the kids to get inspired from. The theme of the images for this lesson was the ocean. The materials table also contained carbon tracing paper and acrylic paints as well as q-tips. To save time I prepared the paints ahead of time on the palettes.
For each of the children's work station I also provided paper towels to place the used Q-tips to avoid getting paint on the tables. The kids were also provided with masking tape to help them with their tracing. Each of the children's tables contained examples of my pointillism prototypes as well as printed images of famous artworks in pointillism. This is meant to provide inspiration.
Students working on their Pointillism Paintings
Student Artworks
Student Artwork Age 7
Student Artwork Age 6
Student Artwork Age 10
Student Artwork Age 5
This is a time consuming project so make sure to give the students a small paper if the lesson is less then 1.5 hours.. It also consumes a lot of energy so they may get tired and need a break. When drawing their images avoid using too much details and try sticking to very simplified shapes.