The Color Wheel
The Emotions Colour Wheel
Step 1: Using a white paper and pencil, trace 12 circles of the same size. Then use a black marker to go over the circles.
Step 2: With a Palette of the 3 primary colors only, explore the mixing of colors to first create the secondary colours and then further mix them to obtain more colours.
Primary Colours: Yellow, Red and Blue
Secondary Colours: Green, Violet, and Orange
Other Colours:
Violet Blue
Step 3:
-Cut out each of the painted circles. Trace a large circle in the center of a white sheet of paper.
-Place the painted circles around the borders of the traced larger circle, and place them in the right chromatic order
-Then Glue them onto the paper.
Step 4:
-Using a black marker, outline the painted circles in black, and connect them to a wheel. Add lines, patterns and designs within the circle or background.
Art Therapy Theme: Paint faces with different emotions for each of the colours.
The Personalized Colour Wheel
Step 1: Cut out a shape to trace
Using cardboard or paper draw a shape you would like to use for your colour wheel.
Step 2: Trace a circle in the center of the page using a pencil. Then trace the shape you cut out around the circle.
Step 3: After tracing label the colours in the right order of the colour wheel.
This is an important step to guide you in not making a mistake, as the colour wheel follows a specific order.

Step 4: Paint the colours in the right order
Consult an example of a colour wheel to make sure you got the right order.
Step 5: Outline the Colour wheel with a black sharpie
You can add lines, patterns or designs to make your design even more personalized.
Example of Student Work
Emotions Colour Wheel
Personalized Colour Wheel
Age 9
Age 6
Age 9
My Students
Lesson Sheets

cercle_chromatique.docx |
Other Ideas
Warm Colour Wheel
Student's of John Grant School

colorwheel_reference_images.docx |

colour_wheel_example.docx |