I was given the opportunity to create a school mural on the hallway lockers. My collaborating teacher organized for Marcio Melo a school mural artist to help out during the project. I selected 21 students whom I felt would most appreciate taking part in this school community project. I helped prepare the lockers for them mural and even took part in some of the mural painting myself for I believe that the art teacher should model by example. I picked the theme of northwest aboriginal animals because I used this mural project as an introduction to my art unit on Canadian and spiritual art. The goal of this project was to bring more life to the empty school hallway by turning all the doors and lockers into a beautiful and colorful gallery of student artwork.
White Wall Paint Acrylic Paint of various colors Large black sharpie markers Paint rollers, brushes and paint equipment Pencils White printing paper Paint tape Art smocks
The Difference is Shockingly Beautiful!
Day 1: Designing and Drawing an Idea
Day 2 & 3: Painting the Mural
The Murals
Sinthia Cousineau, Marie Francis and Marcio Melo
Sinthia Cousineau (front left) and Marie Francis (front right) with mural-painting students from John Grant High School on February 22. Photo: Isaac Olson